Nearly 225 girls and their parents gathered for an evening of important discussion at Donovan Pavilion in Vail, Colorado last July. Author and speaker Rosalind Wiseman lead the conversation, which covered a range of topics all relating to young women and the challenges they face. Wiseman is best known for her New York Times Bestseller Queen Bees and Wannabes: Helping Your Daughter Survive Cliques, Gossip, Boyfriends and Other Realities of Adolescence, which was later adapted into the movie Mean Girls. Wiseman offered tips on how to have meaningful, parent-daughter conversations and spoke about building strong female friendships.
“Girls deserve very strong friendships that are based on respect and dignity,” Wiseman said. “Girls’ lives and relationships are very messy, and if we don’t acknowledge that, we lose credibility.”
The atmosphere of the event was very ladylike, with tea and cookies served throughout the evening. It was open to the public and the crowd reached maximum capacity. The Vail Daily covered the event and made it their featured story in the following day’s paper!

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